Friday, 6 August 2010

Spunnet socker

Barbe à Papa

It all started with a stick of candyfloss. What a ridiculous word it is in English. In Swedish that is spunnet socker, and I prefer it that way. Spun sugar, tout simplement, and nothing even remotely reminding you of dental hygiene.

Well, anyway... Back to the point. I had another blog before, but after a while I grew tired of it. I tried to update it occasionally, only to be nice to those who actually bothered to read it. However, that attempt was, of course, ridiculously unsuccessful. Until I found my camera in connection with moving into my new house.
So, a while ago I started taking pictures. I even posted some on my blog.

But then, one evening I somehow, instead of staying in bed and nursing my annual summer flu like I should have, ended up sharing a stick of candyfloss with my boyfriend in the Tuileries. And, in addition to the discovery of just how much fun a pile of pure coloured sweetness can be, it struck me that it wasn't the lack of inspiration that had kept me from blogging. It was the karma of the blog itself.

And that is when I decided to do something new. I'm curious to see what this will become.

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