Monday, 28 February 2011

in the sun

I am very aware of that it's been a while since I did a proper, long post... I apologise. It's been quite hectic at my work lately and I simply haven't had the time to play around nor to take as many pictures as I would like (and the umpteenth Stockmann takeout salad I have had for dinner right before falling asleep on my sofa incredibly boring, after all). But last Friday I finally finished a project that has been killing me for a while, and so this weekend was all about relaxing and rediscovering the life I had all but forgotten that I had. And, on top of everything, P was here, which was absolutely perfect! I'm glad he wasn't around one weekend earlier when I was pulling out my hair over all my deadlines, though...

Anyway, I finally had the time to discover the croissants from Leipäkeisari around the corner in Tarkk'ampujankatu (and surprise, they turned out to be quite excellent despite their somewhat suspicious looks which gave P an excellent opportunity to make fun of foreign viennoiseries - at least until he bit into the first one), and I finally got around to seeing The King's Speech, which I have been dying to see for about forever (and which was, in fact, every bit as great as it was hyped to be). We also had Japanese dinner at Domo in Kalevankatu, whose edamame beans I have now decided to quit even trying to figure out (edamame beans served with fish eggs instead of in their pods? why?), and we went for a wonderful, wonderful Sunday walk on the ice outside of the Harakka islands.

There had been quite a few people walking around...

We couldn't decide on from where to set out on the ice. A pier is a good a starting point as any, right?

I couldn't resist taking a picture of my own reflection.

After having been very healthy all weekend (Edamame! No popcorn!) we awarded ourselves with a pizza in the sun.

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