Sunday, 12 September 2010

Feeling Like Sunday Morning

Sunday Morning

It's definitely autumn in Helsinki now. Although it was really beautiful and sunny at some point during last week (how sad is it not that I can't tell which day it was?), today I woke up, and having stared at the grayness two mornings in a row, I realised that it is time to start lighting candles. Again.

Another clear sign that summer is officially over is this Sunday morning blues I'm feeling. I found a lovely recipe for poireaux vinaigrette on one of the blogs I read, and I hated it. I'm most probably having to try it out alone. And poireaux are definitely for sharing.

So now I'm thinking... Stupid Finland, and stupid grown-upness.

Well, that's for ranting. Now I need to clear my head of last night's adventures and go print my thesis. Enough with the proof-reading already. I'm done.

And then I'm going to McDonalds. The risotto I was going to make can wait until tomorrow.

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