Friday, 24 September 2010

The Focaccia (again)

After this, I'll stop. I promise. At least for a while.

Yesterday, as I had my dad over for dinner to discuss Russian politics and solve the world's problems over a glass of red wine (it is fall, after all) I couldn't resist to make the focaccia from the housewarming party again, and it was delicious. This time I skipped the red onions, but added mozzarella instead... Oh, and more salt in the dough. That worked miracles, definitely. I'm still full, and as I haven't heard from my dad, I assume he is content too. I realized this morning that we ate a focaccia meant for at least six persons.

Those must be tiny little persons.

Anyways, I've promised to post the recipe, so here it finally is.


Focaccia bread

400 g flour
100 g superfine (durum) flour
25 g fresh yeast
½ table spoon brownsugar
300 ml tepid water
olive oil

I like to top my focaccia with chopped cherry tomatoes mixed with shredded basil and a few crushed garlic cloves, all in a vinaigrette of white wine vinegar, salt and a good olive oil, and covered with thick slices of mozzarella, or alternatively with chunks of goat's cheese, chopped rosemary and grated parmesan. However, I think this could pretty much work with anything. Pretty much like pizza. You know.

Mix the flour with a little salt in a bowl, and dissolve the yeast and the sugar in the water in another. Wait for a moment to let the yeast react with the sugar, and then mix the liquid into the flour with a fork. Knead the dough for about 5 minutes, or until it stops sticking to your fingers. Sprinkle a little olive oil in a bowl and put the dough in the bowl, covering first the dough with a thin layer of flour and then the bowl with a kitchen towel. Let the dough rise for 30 minutes while you heat the oven to 220'C and prepare the toppings.

Spread the dough over an oiled baking tin, cover with the toppings half and half, and let the focaccia rest for 20 minutes. Spread some coarse sea salt over the focaccia and bake it in the oven for about 20 minutes.

Feast. The feasting is important.

1 comment:

  1. Jee, mä teen tätä varmaan jo tällä viikolla :)) Näyttää ihan sairaan hyvältä!!


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