Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Monday Night iPad Fun

The Benches

I fully acknowledge the inevitable nerd alert of the title of this post. I know.

But sometimes staying in bed simply is the best thing in the whole world. Doing nothing in particular, like reading blogs and contemplating all the new shoes you are going to need this autumn, just because they are pretty. Or playing with silly new apps that make your shadow into a cartoon. Or simply cuddling up and enjoying that it is not yet tomorrow, when it will of course be raining again...

Anyway, I'll get back to the focaccia tomorrow night, as I think I'm going to try out an updated version, but for now I just felt like sharing a few pictures with you. Laziness is lovely.


Chopping and Crayfish

iPad Fun

Lamp Shades
Shoes by Rizzo, I think. I've had them forever, and I cannot really remember... My feet hurt for days after I've worn them but they are far too pretty to be discarded, regardless of the pain.

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